Lose Weight, Gain Conversions: Nutra Campaigns in Q1

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protein packet with affiliate performance enhancer, nutra campaigns written on it

Did you set any New Year’s resolutions? Perhaps one to increase your affiliate profits this year. Even if you didn’t set a resolution, 60% of people admit that they do and even more people will seek to better themselves this year. Unfortunately, most people fail in their resolutions but you don’t have to. You can pursue a proven plan for profit by taking advantage of the new year, post-holiday excess, self-help drive with a nutra campaign.

What is Nutra?

Nutra is an abbreviation of nutraceutical or nutritional supplement. These are not prescription drugs and medicine but items like dietary supplements and food additives. Within the Nutra vertical there are more narrow niches such as health supplements, weight loss, weight gain, skin care, brain enhancement and not forgetting male enhancement pills.

In addition to the variety of verticals, you’ll also notice that the same products can appeal to very different demographics. That means you can use different angles for the same offer. That’s great for starting out (as you can test variations and find the right market and pitch) but also means you can experiment run good, high-return offers with a different target group.

A couple of important things to note with Nutra include:

  • Be careful of regulations in different GEOs;
  • Make sure you use Adult traffic for Adult items;
  • The most common payout models for affiliates are CPA (cost per action such as submitting contact details, purchase or subscription) and CPS (sale or cash on delivery).

Why Q1 is Good for Nutra?

> New Year, New Me

Is a common phrase that resonated with many people at this time of year. Perhaps it’s the fact that in the northern hemisphere the days are finally getting longer and things are looking up again. Or perhaps it’s because we are seeking a chance after eating and drinking too much during the holiday. Regardless, this tradition which can be traced back to the Babylonians is still widely kept today, even if people don’t make specific resolutions and Nutra offers are well aligned.

Want to lose those holiday pounds? Weight loss pills
Want to build muscles so you’re ready for that beach holiday? Weight gain supplements
Want to boost your mental fitness? Brian supplements.

In almost every Nutra niche there is a strong connection to recovering from the holiday and New Year’s resolutions. That’s why Q1 is a perfect time to launch a new Nutra campaign in Zeropark.

Set up a nutra campaign in Zeropark!

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