The 25 Best Digital Marketing Blogs 2022. And One Thing We Have Learned From Each.

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25 best digital marketing blogs

Learn, Learn, learn, is the motto of affiliate marketing.

So, we have compiled a list of the 25 best digital marketing blogs to help you with your online marketing learning journey. And, feel free to bookmark this page for when you want to learn more about digital marketing. We will also share with you one thing we have learned from each of the blogs mentioned in this list.

Top Ten Best Digital Marketing Blogs

To get you started with your learning journey, we will start with the digital marketing industry as a whole. The next ten blogs are some of the best digital marketing blogs to follow on the web.

1. The Moz Blog

Moz has been around since 2004 and specializes in digital marketing and search engine optimization (SEO). The blog provides advice for better optimizing websites, and tips to get your website a higher ranking on the search engine results page. The blog also often features industry experts, sharing their tips and tricks covering topics such as social media or SEO. You can also check out their blog on Fridays for their “Whiteboard Friday” videos for specific topics relating to SEO.

Our takeaway is that the SEO process is never finished, it is a process that needs to be maintained in order to be successful. It is also really useful for keeping informed about the most recent Google algorithm updates which can lead to SEO issues.

2. Neil Patel’s Blog

Neil Patel is probably the best-known online marketing professional. Neil’s Blog consists of everything digital marketing, ranging from email marketing to social media marketing strategy.

Industry experts like Neil Patel have lots to share but the most useful article we have read from his blog has to be How to Become a More Productive Blogger in 10 Easy Steps. In this article he covers having a schedule for your content and writing during your peak performance times, whether that is at 7 AM or 2 AM whatever works best for you. Also that you should focus on creating quality content rather than posting spam twenty times a day.

3. Content Marketing Institute

As the name suggests this blog will serve all of your content needs from catchy copy to detailed inbound marketing strategy. Content marketing is one of the fastest-growing areas of digital marketing, and Content Marketing Institute is one of the best places to get information about everything content-related.

The Content Marketing Institute is also known for its benchmarks, which highlight the competition within the industry, and what you need to do to measure up to your rivals. Content is incredibly important in affiliate marketing too and the CMI has actionable advice for creating better content, which you can apply to your landing pages or emails to customers.

At Zeropark we have learned about the importance of content calendars and the tracking of the implemented content marketing campaigns. This is because if you want to make sure you cover many different topics and manage many different writers, it’s important to see where and when the articles will be published. So, we suggest that you make that a part of your content strategy!

4. Search Engine Journal

The SEJ is one of the more regularly posting SEO news blogs with between 4-5 articles posted per day. But SEJ doesn’t only have SEO articles, there is also a content marketing guide, articles on PPC, and every social media platform too. That’s why it has been included in the digital marketing blogs list rather than the SEO list.

We have learned about all of the Google Algorithm updates to date, thanks to their long-form article about the subject, which goes into extensive detail about why it is important to stay on top of when the next one will be.

Put it in your calendars for May 2022!

5. The HubSpot Marketing Blog

HubSpot is the king of the pillar page, with one of the most detailed and structured blogs in digital marketing. The HubSpot blog segments the categories of content into clearly defined sections, such as sales, email & marketing which are split into sub-categories in further depth, such as sales prospecting, email newsletters, or social media.

This blog has taught us a lot from social media to email marketing and has a good mix of light five-minute reads to more in-depth twenty-minute guides.

6. is another great source of news for the digital marketing industry. It specializes in overviews rather than step-by-step guides. It’s a valuable source of insights, trends, and high-level marketing technology analysis. It surely gives a more than valuable perspective on the whole business with a professional, in-depth approach, and is a great place if you’re looking to become proficient in modern marketing.

We learned that is great for a roundup of all of the most recent digital marketing news, all in one place, so it saves you from going to too many websites. So, if you are short on time and hungry for quality, this is the one to check out.

7. Unbounce

We all want to reduce the bounce rate of our websites and Unbounce or The Unbounce Conversion Intelligence Blog to give it its proper name is a blog that helps with exactly that process. It will help you with a landing page, and conversion optimization while covering other topics such as lead generation. It also covers the types of digital marketing ads that might be right for you, such as PPC, and display advertising while using platforms such as Facebook Ads and Google Ads. But remember the option for affiliate campaigns is always there…

Blog posts consist of in-depth detail on topics such as the intricacies of landing page design or copywriting, or more broad topics on branding, and marketing campaign strategy. If you want to improve your conversion rates and generate more leads this blog might be the one for you.

Our key learning from this blog is to keep an eye on your bounce rate and look for ways to improve it regularly.

8. The Drum

The Drum is a website that posts frequently about the latest industry trends in the world of digital marketing. But they are truly a global marketing company, as they have curated geographical content, with designated URLs for Europe, the Americas, and Asia respectively.

Zeropark has discovered The Drum’s Creative Works part of their blog which focuses on the best creative examples from digital marketing. It’s worth spending five minutes looking through what your competition is working on and using it as a benchmark for your future creative content.

9. Social Media Examiner

You may have guessed that this blog is all about examining social media marketing. The blog posts consist of content relating to each and every social media platform you can think of from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Linkedin to the more niche communities like Pinterest and Reddit. There are how-to blog articles as well as interviews with influencers, posts dedicated to industry research, and regular updates about the world of social media. If you are building a social media content marketing strategy this is the blog for you.

Zeropark has discovered Social Media Examiner’s Social Media Marketing Industry Report which uses data from over five thousand marketers and is available annually for free and gives you handy statistics, study data, and trends. This gives an insight into the best ways to reach your audience on social media and influences the marketing content you make for them in the next year.

10. Stacked Marketer

Strictly speaking, this last addition is not a blog, but it will help you stay on top of digital marketing trends so it has been included. Stacked Marketer will deliver you a five-minute round-up of the latest goings-on in the digital world each working day of the week direct to your email inbox.

We have learned that keeping up to date with what’s happening in the industry is crucial and it’s even better when it’s delivered straight into your inbox.

10 Best Digital Marketing Blogs

The Five Best SEO Blogs

We know that in the world of digital marketing the importance of SEO is not to be underestimated and for that reason, we have compiled the top five SEO Marketing blogs to follow.

1. Ahrefs

Ahrefs is all about the technical side of SEO. This is the place to go to get technical analysis for on-page SEO as they have an entire part of the blog dedicated to just that. But it is not entirely about analysis, instead, it is about using the SEO data to drive actionable insights in areas such as keyword research, link building, content creation, and competitor research.

We at Zeropark enjoy the amount of data that is put into the case studies as it provides plenty of useful statistics which help illustrate the examples clearly. We also like to dip into the Keyword Research part of the blog as this has become more and more important in the world of affiliate marketing in recent years.

2. SEMRush

Another one of the more well-known blogs in the field of SEO, SEMRush.

The SEM in SEMRush stands for Search Engine Marketing and their blog takes pride in the fact it is written by marketers for marketers. This means that the quality of their content is high just like the quality of their SEO tool. And did you know there is a deal ready in our Offer Wall for you to check out from SEMRush right now? Check out the Deals Tab after you have topped up your Zeropark account to find out more.

Zeropark’s favorite article is about the biggest SEO Myths and we have enjoyed myths busting these.

3. Crazy Egg

Known not only for their memorable name but their useful heat mapping tool, Crazy Egg allows you to perform an SEO audit of your site and see which parts of your website visitors are engaging with. Their blog ‘The Daily Egg’ consists of articles on decreasing your web page’s bounce rate and optimizing your content to be user-friendly through intelligent design. The key goal is conversion rate optimization with their motto being ‘make every visitor count’.

We have learned that optimizing links by using an eye-catching color will help them stand out to your audience and increase the click-through rate.

4. Yoast

The Yoast blog is of course based around the topic of SEO but this time the focus is on readability, both in terms of user experience and the experience the Google (or other search engines) crawler experience. They have topics ranging from WordPress to keyword research and even site structure, each of these add up to improve the ranking of your website.

Zeropark’s key takeaway is that a Yoast plugin for your WordPress article, will help you assess the readability of your content writing before you hit publish, so it can be optimized before it is read. Paying for the plugin also gives you access to Yoast SEO Academy which can help improve your SEO skills in just a couple of lessons.

5. Search Engine Land

Not to be mistaken for the previously mentioned Search Engine Journal, SEL is another SEO blog that posts consistently about all things search engine. In addition to that, they have regular white papers and webinars discussing topics like B2B marketing trends shaping 2022, or the state of email marketing 2022. These give detailed insight into the fringes around search engine marketing so their audience has a better understanding of digital marketing as a whole.

Search Engine Land also covers PPC if you’re into that too.

Zeropark has discovered that Search Engine Land is the land of opportunity when it comes to SEO, and recommends that you check out their Google-specific guides like Google Search Console, and the Google Penalties Updates. These will no doubt help you on your SEO journey with one of the world’s most popular search engines.

5 Best SEO Blogs

Ten Of The Best Affiliate Marketing Blogs:

We know that you like digital marketing blogs but we know the reason why you are really here. That’s what we have saved the best until last. Here are the top ten affiliate marketing blogs that you need to check out.

1. I Am Attila

Run by Atilla O’Dree known in the affiliate marketing industry his success in the nutra vertical and making money as an affiliate marketer. Attila’s blog has many insights into the world of affiliate marketing particularly while using paid ads so it is always worth checking out. The articles can be about basic tips for making money online via affiliate marketing or can be more specific, covering topics surrounding a particular niche, affiliate network, program, marketing tool, ad format, or traffic source.

One thing we have learned from his blog is that nutra offers aren’t just for January and they can be profitable all year round. If you are looking to find out more about nutra offers read our guide to them here.

2. Colin Dijs

Another super affiliate Colin Dijs is found of Dijs Unversity one of the most popular affiliate marketing courses out there. His specialization is in CPA offers using native, and Facebook ads. His website consists of up to the minute affiliate marketing news as well as guides, and specific articles about running affiliate offers with a winning combination of traffic sources, affiliate networks, and tools. In addition to his website, he has a forum for those wanting to join the Dijs University course which is called the ColinDijsUniversity Forum. It’s a beginner-level forum that might help out some affiliates new to the game.

An article we enjoyed from his site was Affiliate Marketing for Beginners- How to Start Paid Traffic. It is a great start for those looking to get into the affiliate industry with paid traffic and it suggests some good tips that should help you from burning your budget immediately.

3. Ian Fernando

Ian Fernando is a Member of the Affiliate Business Club networking community.  Ian’s blog will give you details on how to get the best out of your affiliate program or finding one that might work better for you. He also specializes in the financial vertical and has found this to be a particularly profitable niche. So if that’s your area of expertise then his blog is worth checking out.

One thing we have learned from his site is that the finance vertical is more stable than the stock market. Another part of the blog we enjoyed was the Networking section as we are missing the affiliate conferences.

4. Servando Silva

Servando actually has two famous digital marketing blogs one focused on SEO called Stream SEO and the one we will focus on here that’s simply named after himself (Servando Silva). He has a dedicated section on all the relevant affiliate marketing tools and resources you might need, as well as a feed of the most recent articles relating to push, pop, domain, or native ads.

We particularly like the case study part of the website. There are several interesting reads to look over highlighting the high ROI that is available from some affiliate marketing campaigns when you know what you are doing.

5. Charles Ngo

Charles Ngo is another super affiliate that has made his fortune from paid affiliate advertising and is willing to share some of his secrets to making it in this industry. He is also the author of The Ultimate Guide to Affiliate Marketing which is full of insider tips for success in the affiliate marketing industry.

One thing we have learned from his affiliate marketing blog is that there is an extensive list of affiliate marketing tools that can be leveraged to give you a competitive edge over your rivals.

6. Mobidea Academy

Mobidea is one of the best mobile CPA affiliate networks so unsurprisingly the articles on their blog Mobidea Academy are geared towards getting the most out of your mobile campaigns. It has over 140 articles that have been written by the experts at Mobidea and feature industry influencers too which give their opinion on everything mobile ads.

Our favorite part of the Mobidea Academy blog is the ‘Learning Paths’ feature which will take you from a beginner to an expert if you follow the articles in a particular category.

7. AffLIFT’s articles

Although this is not a blog in the usual sense of the word it is essentially a blog that is located in an affiliate forum. And what a forum it is. AffLift is one of the biggest and best forums in affiliate marketing and has helped thousands of affiliates reach their goals. Although the articles are not  all published by Luke Kling (some are) they are often written by affiliate marketing experts like the ones working at affiliate marketing ad exchanges.

We particularly enjoy reviewing the affiliate marketing tools category as it is always good to find a tool that can give you an edge over your competition.

8. KJ Rocker

KJ has an affinity for CPA campaigns. His blog consists of many articles about push notifications and how to make them work as part of your affiliate marketing strategy. But there are also articles on CPA, social media marketing, SEO, case studies, and even interviews with other important figures in the world of affiliate marketing.

We have learned more about push ads from the articles published on KJ’s blog and that they are becoming more popular in recent years as they have high conversion rates, as users have to opt into them.

9. Voluum

Voluum is well known for its ad tracker but did you also know that they have a digital marketing blog that covers topics relating to the affiliate marketing industry?

Well, you do now.

It’s been said that Voluum has one of the best affiliate marketing blogs out there too. Their content is not all related specifically to why having a tracker is necessary, but rather to digital marketing trends.

We have learned all about how trackers help with conversion optimization, with the article going on to say that users have found an increase in ROI by 30%. So, if you haven’t got an ad tracker you are one step behind your competition.

10. Zeropark

And lastly, we can’t forget about your favorite affiliate marketing blog. Zeropark is the place to come for hot topics that are tailored to your affiliate needs. If you want to get started with affiliate marketing we have beginners’ guides for you. And if you are a more seasoned affiliate veteran we have talks with industry leaders who give their advice on the latest goings ons in the affiliate world. And if you are looking to get technical we’ve got articles that will help you optimize your affiliate marketing campaigns.

But you know all that, that’s why you’re here on the Zeropark blog!

Feel free to tell us in the comments if you have learned anything from the Zeropark blog by clicking leave a reply at the bottom of the page.

Top 10 Affiliate marketing blogs


Hopefully, you have learned something new, either in the form of an insight or a couple of new digital marketing blogs to follow. And who knows they might even help optimize your digital marketing campaigns or your affiliate ones!

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