Can you monetize outside of Google Adsense? Top alternatives

Gabriela Cendrzak •

After over two decades, in 2023 Google has finally shifted its AdSense monetization model to a per-impression one. What does it mean for publishers?

As a reminder, the previous model that AdSense operated at was rewarding clicks rather than impressions, which benefitted publishers and media owners as it rewarded efficiency, and not a broad scale.

The shift toward CPM (Cost Per Mille) makes Google seem like a less efficient of a tool (so a broad-scoped, and unspecialized) for publisher monetization. It’s against the industry standards, with advertisers aiming for more precision and ad networks rewarding the best-performing parties. In this article, we’ll dwell on why it is so, what are the benefits, and how to add other revenue sources (incrementally) to your daily operations.

Google publisher monetization model change

This decision may seem in opposition to changes and tides that have been visible with different ad exchange monetization platforms for a long time. Transparency is an increasingly important topic on everybody’s agenda in the online advertising industry, and focusing on the performance delivered to advertisers makes just perfect sense. Instead, the broad approach may blur the lines between well-performing and poor-performing publishers.

As all the advertising experts know, an impression is never equal to other impression in terms of performance. That’s why we should be focusing on results rather than just boosting the overall number. And yes, the standard CPC bid will be higher than any CPI/CPV rate. You can read more about Google’s remodeling in this article.

Now the answer to whether you can add a new publisher revenue source outside of Google AdSense seems just too obvious.

In fact, you should do it to diversify your revenue stream and access performance-based model.

In today’s dynamic market, adding to your monetization streams is not only possible but also highly advisable. It speaks volumes about your agility as a publisher. It simply means that you’re able to monetize more efficiently, are more competitive, and want to access more brands.

Is CPC better than CPV model for (some) publishers?

The CPC model offers several advantages for publishers:

  • Increased revenue potential. Instead of getting paid less but for all the ad views, your revenue is increased as you monetize the efficiency of ads (as clicks, in general, are more expensive than impressions). Of course it’s not the case for every ad type, so if you’re trying to monetize your website with some legacy formats (such as Pop-up for example), then feel free to experiment with CPV as well. This opens up the possibility of making money online from a broader range of users, even those who are less likely to click.
  • Transparency and predictability. You have a clear understanding of how much you will earn, making it easier to budget and forecast your revenue. And you can monitor your performance to learn how to increase the yield of it. This transparency allows you to focus on growing your site while the revenue follows naturally.
  • Focus on content creation. You can focus on creating high-quality content that attracts visitors, without worrying that you’re plugged in to an unprofitable traffic source. This allows you to build a stronger brand and attract a more engaged audience. Most importantly, it allows you to focus on quality of your content, and not just the delivery of as much traffic as possible.

Overall, CPC offers a healthier publisher monetization process, allowing media owners to focus on growing their sites, while incremental money flows are a result of their regular media operations. Commerce media monetization ecosystems, such as Zeropark, offers publishers exactly that.

Can you monetize outside of Google? AdSense alternatives

Absolutely. Google is not the only monetization solution available, and it certainly doesn’t have an unlimited supply of placements. Google’s AdSense offers strictly Google-related placements, so by adding your media to incremental networks you won’t be cannibalizing your performance – only enhancing it by expanding your possibilities of monetizing traffic. Diversifying revenue streams ensures a more stable and robust income.

Ad networks for publishers complement your existing demand sources, making your business more independent, and therefore more secure.

How to Choose AdSense Alternatives? 5 Factors to Take into Consideration

As Google’s AdSense shifts its focus towards CPM (Cost Per Mille), many publishers are considering diversifying their revenue streams by exploring alternatives. However, not all monetization platforms are created equal, and choosing the right one requires careful consideration. Here are five key factors to keep in mind when selecting an AdSense alternative:

1. Relevance to Your Audience

When choosing an AdSense alternative, the first factor to consider is how well the platform aligns with your audience’s interests. Relevance is crucial for maximizing user engagement and click-through rates (CTR).

Platforms like Zeropark Commerce Media excel in this area by delivering ads that match the user’s intent and the content on your site. The more aligned the ads are with your audience’s needs and expectations, the more likely they are to engage with them, leading to higher revenue.

2. Revenue Model Flexibility

Different ad networks offer various revenue models, such as CPC (Cost Per Click), CPM, or CPA (Cost Per Action). Depending on your traffic and content type, some models may be more lucrative than others.

For instance, if your site attracts a highly engaged audience that frequently interacts with ads, a CPC model might be more profitable. However, if you have high traffic with lower interaction rates, a CPM model could be better.

3. Transparency and Control

Transparency in ad placement and revenue generation is vital for maintaining trust and optimizing your strategy. Some platforms operate as “black boxes,” making it difficult for publishers to understand how ads are selected and how revenue is calculated.

Choose a platform that offers clear reporting and allows you to maintain control over the ads displayed on your site. Zeropark Commerce Media, for example, emphasizes transparency by allowing advertisers to choose their desired placements, ensuring that publisher-advertiser relationship remains healthy without interfering into either’s party business.

4. Ease of Integration

The integration process can vary significantly between platforms. Ideally, you want a solution that is easy to set up and doesn’t require extensive technical knowledge or resources. Look for platforms that offer seamless integration with your existing website infrastructure. Google AdSense is often praised for its straightforward setup, but many newer platforms, including Zeropark, also provide quick and easy integration processes, ensuring you can start monetizing your traffic without hassle.

5. Support and Resources

The level of support and resources provided by the ad network can make a significant difference in your overall experience and success. Whether you’re troubleshooting an issue or looking for ways to optimize your strategy, having access to responsive support and comprehensive resources is invaluable. Platforms that offer dedicated account management ensure that you have expert guidance every step of the way, helping you maximize your revenue potential.

Best 6 Google Adsense alternatives

Whether you’re looking for better payouts, more control over ad placements, or innovative ad formats, there are numerous platforms that can help you achieve your goals. Here are the top seven Google AdSense alternatives to consider:

1. Zeropark Commerce Media

Zeropark Commerce Media stands out as a top-tier alternative to Google AdSense, especially for publishers looking to monetize their content with intent-based advertising. Zeropark offers a commerce-driven approach that connects publishers directly with premium global brands, ensuring that ads are highly relevant to the user’s purchase journey.

With its transparent reporting, easy integration, and advanced targeting capabilities, Zeropark provides a comprehensive solution for maximizing revenue without compromising user experience.

2. Adsolutely

Adsolutely is a rising star in the ad monetization space, offering a performance-driven platform that focuses on delivering high-quality ads tailored to your audience. What sets Adsolutely apart is its advanced targeting technology, which ensures that the ads shown on your site are relevant and engaging, driving higher click-through rates and increased revenue. The platform provides a user-friendly interface with detailed analytics, allowing you to track your earnings and optimize ad placements effortlessly. Adsolutely also supports a variety of ad formats, including native ads and video, making it a versatile choice for publishers looking to diversify their monetization strategy while enhancing the user experience.

3. AdSense by AdThrive

AdThrive is an excellent option for publishers with high-traffic websites. Specializing in lifestyle and niche content, AdThrive offers ad solutions that promise a higher CPM than traditional networks like AdSense. The platform takes care of all the technical aspects of ad placement, allowing you to focus on content creation while enjoying a significant increase in ad revenue.

4. Mediavine

Mediavine is another alternative, particularly popular among bloggers and content creators. Known for its high payouts and personalized support, Mediavine offers a range of ad formats, including video and mobile ads, that are optimized for user engagement.

5. Ezoic

Ezoic leverages artificial intelligence to optimize ad placements and increase revenue, making it a unique alternative to Google AdSense. Ezoic’s platform allows publishers to test different ad configurations and layouts, automatically selecting the best-performing options.

6. Amazon Associates

For publishers with content related to products, the Amazon Associates program is an excellent alternative to AdSense. This affiliate marketing program allows you to earn commissions by promoting Amazon products directly within your content. Amazon’s vast product range and reliable brand reputation make it easier to convert clicks into sales. Additionally, the program’s straightforward integration and real-time reporting make it a user-friendly option for both new and experienced publishers.

What’s the benefit of making money from commerce media ads?

Commerce media advertising ecosystems like Zeropark take a different approach to advertising. By understanding the context of the user purchase journey, they can deliver highly relevant brand and product suggestions that resonate with your audience. That means that the users visiting your website will be exposed to well-matched ads that will answer their questions, boosting the credibility of your media at the same time. Furthermore, all of that happens without using third-party data – and cookieless advertising is nowadays a baseline for consumer-oriented businesses (you can read more about it in this article).

This leads to several benefits for publishers, such as:

  • Increased user engagement. Your visitors are exposed to ads that are relevant to their interests, leading to higher engagement and click-through rates (so, as a result, a higher CPC efficiency).
  • Enhanced credibility. By displaying ads that align with your content, you strengthen your brand’s credibility and build trust with your audience. This promotes brand safety, as you ensure the user experience stays intact.
  • Access to premium advertisers. Commerce media platforms work with reputable brands and agencies, ensuring that the ads displayed on your site are of high quality. And they don’t add any intermediaries to the equation, connecting you to the advertiser without countless commissions.

People are increasingly more eager to interact with proven brand and product recommendations, and product research very often starts outside of major search engines. Commerce media is designed to ensure that brand advertisers are constantly verified, delivering safe ads that do not disrupt your media operations or credibility. This is all based on our direct relationships with brands, their representatives, and major performance marketing agencies. You can learn more about commerce media and it’s influence on the digital advertising industry in this article.

How to integrate with commerce media as a publisher?

Integrating with Zeropark Commerce Media is straightforward and tailored to the type of traffic you have. Our account management team is always available to support you through the process (for more details, you can refer to our integration guide). The process is designed to be easy and efficient, ensuring you can start monetizing your traffic as quickly as possible.

By exploring these monetization strategies for websites, you can unlock new revenue streams and ensure a more stable financial future for your media operations. At Zeropark, we are committed to helping you monetize online effectively and transparently. By diversifying your publisher monetization strategy with us you can unlock new revenue streams, improve user engagement, and consequently build a more sustainable and profitable online business.

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Gabriela Cendrzak

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