How to get a good traffic source for Domain Redirect Ads?

Kinga Gawron •
An affiliate chilling while choosing a traffic source

Choosing a traffic source is a top item on every affiliate marketer’s to-do list. If we simply try to Google the best traffic sources for affiliate marketing in 2019, what we’ll get is enough to make any budding affiliate dizzy. Information overload is not the answer you were looking for, is it?

When it comes to finding the right traffic source for your domain redirect ad campaign, a bit of research and expertise is much recommended. This is why we’ve compiled a list of must-have components a quality traffic network should provide you with. Once you make sure these are included, you’re good to go.

Does a traffic source offer parked domain advertising?

A traffic source may refer to two various points of view as you’ve surely discovered by now — from the affiliate’s perspective, it’s a place where you buy your traffic from, also known as a traffic network. 

Not all traffic networks offer the same ad formats, so once you’ve made up your mind to go with domain redirect, do make sure they have it on the menu

Do verticals, angles, and niches match your domain traffic ad campaign?

The importance of finding the right offers to promote just cannot be stressed enough. Investigating which verticals, angles, and niches go best with parked domain traffic is a first step to getting yourself a profitable offer. 

We’ve already established that some examples of the best performing verticals for parked domain traffic are Sweepstakes and Surveys, Downloads, Dating or E-commerce offers. Don’t let it stop you there. Go even further down the funnel and try to find the appropriate angle or niche which hasn’t been fully utilized yet. It seems like quite a task but a lot of times, people don’t know what they want until you show them — Steve Jobs. Why not listen to the entrepreneur guru and follow his advice? 

That’s why it’s crucial to make sure a traffic source of your choice does indeed provide you with angles suitable for zero click traffic. Once you’re able to run offers from the verticals proven to perform well with domain redirect, you’d obviously want to buy as much traffic as possible. Remember, though, the higher the competition, the higher the average bid price. Unless you’ve just discovered a new, figure-making niche. Then it’s all yours.

In such a case, the volume of traffic available for purchase from the traffic source of your choice, as well as its price, should be especially dear to your heart. 

How much domain traffic can a network offer you?

Keeping track of your investments and what they’re buying you in the affiliate marketing industry is always good practice. 

Know the available volumes of traffic prior to buying it. It’s important for estimating your domain redirect ad campaign budget as well as for deciding which traffic source to cooperate with. Whether a given network is capable of securing you with expected traffic volumes plays a key role in the later stage of scaling up your campaigns — and you surely take no other option into consideration.

Forecast how much of the cake you’d be able to nibble on, prior to entering the game. If the cake turns out to be made of gold, everybody comes running to claim their piece. Such a prognosis should be doable with the help of traffic calculators offered by quality networks. These allow for easier volume calculation and better budget estimation.

How much does a zero-click traffic ad campaign cost with a traffic source of your choice?

This brings us to the question of how much a domain redirect ad campaign would cost us with a particular traffic network. 

The initial questions regarding entering any traffic source are:

  • How much is the entry deposit? 
  • How do I top up my account?
  • What are the payment methods?
  • Are there any long-term deals or discounts?

In the later stage, we also need to include the following into our equation:

  • The volume of domain redirect traffic offered
  • parked domain redirect traffic quality
  • domain traffic’s cost-model 
  • estimated cost-per-bid
  • smart bidding or budget capping options (also including AI-powered solutions)
  • Support responsiveness and quality

Once we put all these elements together, we’re able to estimate how much a zero-click campaign would cost us. Remember to account for the testing phase, its duration and success — meaning ROI.

Are the available targeting options suitable for domain redirect traffic?

Targeting options are the key to making your campaign reach the right audience at the right time, thus bringing you due profit. Various platforms enable various targeting options but some of these options are simply indispensable. 

Surely, your next traffic source platform needs to offer you the following: 

Of course, the above does not conclude the list of possible targeting options. There are many more alternatives — and the more, the better. What else a traffic source has in store for you, is really up to them. More targeting choices means more chances for slicing the data and drilling through the best-performing setups to boost your zero-click campaign’s performance.

The good news is that with the competition growing amongst such traffic platforms themselves, continuous upgrades are required. This means coming up with new features and existing product improvements. Keep your eyes open to any product updates coming your way, it may be worth to spare them a minute or two. 

What are the traffic source rules and regulations?

You have to obey traffic source rules. Otherwise, you get banned and receive no traffic whatsoever, which isn’t any affiliate’s dream-case scenario, is it? As scary as it sounds, the main purpose of such enforcement is to ensure high-quality affiliate advertising. Both the traffic and the ads have to meet certain criteria.

Finding yourself in a dead-end situation where your budget gets frozen due to non-compliance with traffic source’s rules and regulations, it’s non-refundable, and you’re unable to run your campaigns, sounds like one of the worst affiliate marketing nightmares. Frozen budget means no money, no campaigns, no testing, no ROI. 

When making up your mind as to which traffic source to select, think of the way your campaigns get approved. Try to see if you have answers for the following questions:

Indeed, parked domain redirect advertising has its restrictions, e.g. mainstream filtering. In this case, adult content is not allowed. If we choose to go with the mainstream angle, potential viewers should not be exposed to such content. Unless we opt for adult content traffic, then both adult-oriented and non-adult content is acceptable. 

Is it a credible traffic source?

Quality comes for a price — there’s no denying. The most reliable and credible traffic sources provide affiliates with various tiers of traffic or inventories available. These refer to the traffic’s quality and price, also heavily dependant on particular GEOs. Such groups range in the price and quality of offered traffic. From the cheapest type for the poor quality inventory to the most expensive and competitive traffic selected on the basis of the best-performing units. 

Use the offered categories and select which level to go for. Being able to take conscious decisions whilst knowing exactly how much it costs you is a sign of a trustworthy network.

Comparing various traffic source platforms before making any final decisions is always a good idea, though. Should you happen to notice any big discrepancies in prices, try to find out why. If the traffic type that’s actually quite pricey with everybody else, like parked domain redirect, suddenly comes with a much lower charge, you can expect some funny business happening on the side. You wouldn’t want your whole budget to be unknowingly spent on poor quality traffic and the campaign’s ROI to be down in the dumps. If there’s anything wrong with a certain traffic network, other affiliates probably know it by now and have vented their frustration on community forums. 

You shouldn’t just blatantly believe everything you read there, though. Keep it within reason. Always make your own decisions, double-check and take account of the win or lose outcome. Even in the case of making a mistake, it’s your mistake. Learn from it and decide which traffic source to run your domain redirect ad campaigns with this fall. 

Read The Ultimate Guide To Domain Redirect Advertising Here!

Does a traffic network offer a user-friendly platform?

Imagine you’re a pilot, you’re supposed to redirect your affiliate marketing jet, you sit behind the control panel … and then you realize you have no clue what all these buttons and clicks are for. There are two options to handle the situation, you learn it all very quickly or you press the auto-pilot button. The same happens when running domain redirect ad campaigns with a newly picked traffic source platform. 

Domain redirect jet taking off

Trustworthy platforms offer a free preview or demo. This already shows a professional approach. Such networks don’t just want to scam people into paying in their deposits. They want long-term relationships with their customers. That’s why they want you to know what you’re buying. 

Once such preview is possible, it’s good to estimate how intuitive and user-friendly a given platform is. 

  • Does it have all the parameters you need to reach the peak performance of your zero-click traffic ad campaigns? 
  • Do all the buttons and segments make sense to you? 
  • Do the columns with strings of data tell the tale of the ups and downs of your affiliate efforts? 
  • And finally, are you able to see the direction your domain redirect jet is heading in?

If yes, you’re good to go.

But what happens if you don’t feel that comfortable with all that power in your mouse-clicking hand? Don’t be discouraged. Just like with any new tool, maybe you just need to get used to it. As long as you’re provided with technical documentation resources, video tutorials or onboarding support — fear not and buckle up. Your traffic source rep will now proceed with the safety briefing.

Good quality traffic network should definitely provide you with not only learning materials and onboarding instructions but continuous guidance and support. Find a traffic network that helps you scale up your zero-click traffic ad campaigns and reach peak performance while boosting the ROI. How?

  • Research the scope of traffic sources support.
  • Make use of the onboarding.
  • See if you qualify for a dedicated account manager.
  • Know how to reach your traffic source representatives.
  • Establish a good partnership with your reps — they’re the ones who know all the stuff you’d like to know, so be nice.

The best traffic networks on the market should also be able to provide you with the latest solutions to keep bots or any other fraudulent types of traffic away. If the anti-fraud filtering kit is ensured, you know you want to work with these guys.

Does a traffic source offer campaign testing options or AI-powered solutions?

The auto-pilot mode may come in pretty handy while we still don’t feel quite capable of making all the decisions ourselves or just want to have a good night’s sleep. Any extra features offered by a traffic network are invaluable, they are there for a reason. 

AI-powered powered solutions or rule-based optimization options are generally hot trends that definitely should grab your attention. Such auto-pilot modes, as they allow for pre-setting certain action flows, ensure that: 

  • campaign budget is not burnt, 
  • bids are adjusted automatically
  • daily spend caps are kept,
  • the right direction is followed.

Also, campaign testing tools turn out to be really useful. They allow you to see if all the tokens and elements needed for correct conversion tracking are set right. This feature helps avoid inadvertent mistakes and missing out on due profit.

Is it possible to integrate a traffic source with other platforms?

Of course, none of the optimization practices would be possible if it hadn’t been for the tracking software. We’ve already mentioned how important having a tracker is. If you still don’t have one, you’d better get it real quick. 

Tracking tools allow you to identify exactly when and where you’re making money, and where you’re losing it. If you don’t track, there’s no way for you to know. Unless you’re an adrenaline addict who fancies the risk of losing money. 

Once you have your tracker and traffic source platform selected, you need to integrate them to ensure the smooth flow of data. If one of the tools is not supported by the other — then it’s a case of … Houston, we have a problem. 

Before paying for any of those, do make sure both your tracking tool and a traffic network platform are compatible, just like Zeropark and Voluum. With such a combo, your affiliate marketing struggle is no longer real. 

Don’t let your affiliate efforts turn futile! 

Whatever you don’t know yet — research, read, ask and discuss. 

The affiliate community will gladly assist you. 

Just make a move and reach out!

Get on board of a proven Domain Redirect traffic source. 

 Sign Up To Zeropark Now

Kinga Gawron

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